Government websites and apps have an obligation to the public to provide useful and usable information to help them find the information they need.
However, like most other digital ecosystems, those of the federal government emerged from agency silos. To ensure a consistent, usable, accessible federal digital experience, a new foundation needs to be built.
10x has been working to create a consistent foundation for many years, and has built many of the technologies and guidance that are now relied upon across the federal space to ensure that newly built (or re-built!) sites and applications are optimized for the public. Key tools, founded by 10x, allow agencies to build sites with confidence, and 10x continues to work in this area, finding new ways to help designers and developers move quickly and confidently.
Check out some of our projects designed to create high-quality digital experiences for the American public: Pages
It is really inefficient for each federal agency to have to figure out how to host secure websites. 10x built Pages (formerly Federalist) to allow agencies to quickly launch attractive, secure, and accessible public websites.
Open source code is a great way to save money and time by reusing code that has already been developed and tested. 10x created to help agency partners and developers find and use open source code.
De-risking government technology
Tech failures are frequently in the news, but they aren't inevitable. 10x developed De-risking Guides (one for federal audiences and one for state), to provide actionable guidance on the realities of development and how to deliver successful custom tech. Learn about our work De-risking government tech projects.
Forms platform
Federal agencies face high costs and inefficiencies when transitioning to digital forms. 10x has developed an affordable shared service that simplifies digital form creation, ensuring compliance and a consistent user experience, while reducing costs for federal teams.
Inexpensive and marketed as easy-to-use, low-code/no-code (LC/NC) tools are attractive to many agencies. 10x looked at the LC/NC ecosystem and what type of guidance might be needed for agencies to make good decisions about whether LC/NC is right for them.
Paperwork Reduction Act compliance
The Paperwork Reduction Act (1995) governs how federal agencies collect information from the American people. 10x developed a website on PRA with guidance on how to navigate the process of getting clearance to interact with the American public. Learn more about the Paperwork Reduction Act guidance.
Site Scanning
Federal websites are a key way the American people interact with the government, and ensuring those websites are optimized is important to ensuring this experience is successful. 10x designed and built a scanning service to provide real-time intelligence on website performance.
U.S. Web Design System
Well-designed and accessible websites are the foundation of good digital communication. 10x designed and built the U.S. Web Design System (USWDS), which provides reusable components, templates, patterns, and tokens, along with guidance to ensure websites are usable and accessible across the federal space. Explore USWDS.
Web performance optimization for federal websites
Many government websites suffer from slow load times, unresponsive designs, and poor visual stability, especially under poor connectivity or on lower-end devices. 10x is developing reusable design and development strategies and a performance tool tailored to federal teams to make government websites faster and more reliable.
Find out more:
Real-world accessibility: What's it like to be blind and use the web in 2023
June 2, 2023
A recording from the May 2023 USWDS monthly call featuring Eric Yarberry of the World Services for the Blind.
USWDS's Inclusive Design Patterns
USWDS continues to grow, and has recently included design patterns meant to ensure an equitable and inclusive experience.
Introducing a guide to the Paperwork Reduction Act
June 18, 2019
An overview of the launch of the and context for why the guidance is important.
Happy 3rd birthday,! What we've learned three years in
November 7, 2019
Video of what the team has learned in the three years during which they've grown from 45 code projects to more than 6,000.
Disclaimer: Links to nongovernment sources are made for educational or source citation purposes only, and do not represent an endorsement of the organizations by the General Services Administration. The General Services Administration does not assume any responsibility for the content, operation, or policies of other entities' websites.