Understand, plan for, and navigate the complexity of the Paperwork Reduction Act

The Paperwork Reduction Act (PRA) governs how federal agencies collect information from the public, including surveys, questionnaires, forms, and other information collection methods. The overall goal of the PRA is to reduce the paperwork burden on private businesses and citizens. It does this by making sure the data the government collects is accurate and helpful, and is collected and used for its intended purpose. It also ensures privacy of data, and helps teams calculate how much time it will take the public to complete forms or other requests to collect information.

10x developed a website on PRA with guidance to help federal teams understand what the law allows and prohibits, as well as how to plan for the PRA process. To do this, we interviewed dozens of PRA officers and staffers at OMB who interpret the PRA to learn common misconceptions of the law. We spoke with federal employees who have navigated the compliance process and focused our research on smaller agencies without dedicated internal PRA supports. Then, we partnered with legal experts who have deep knowledge of law to interpret the necessary components of guidance into user-friendly digital content. Finally, we built a website to host this guidance. Learn more about the Paperwork Reduction Act and the guidance developed by 10x.
